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  • To take advantage, here’s what I’m building

To take advantage, here’s what I’m building

by Jonathan Twombly
Last Updated: October 20, 2023

Warren Buffet says market corrections are when you can buy great assets at good prices and good assets at great prices.

Legendary investor Seth Klarman grew $27 million into $30 billion, with annual 20% compounding returns over decades, always staying up to 50% in cash, so he could pounce when the bargains were there.

Billionaire Sam Zell became known as the “grave dancer,” buying properties for pennies on the dollar from people who overpaid and went bust when the market shifted.

Many small investors made lifetime wealth buying homes after the Great Financial Crisis, when Joe Herdfollower said they were crazy.

We’ve just witnessed the collapse of a bubble in multifamily real estate, where people overpaid for properties in the mistaken belief that historically low interest rates and unsustainably high rent growth would somehow continue for the foreseeable future.

I believe this means a multifamily investment opportunity is coming.

One we haven’t seen for years and won’t see again for some time.

I intend to be ready.

By growing a community:

  • With the experience, capital-raising capacity, and broker connections to take advantage of the window together.
  • Where you can partner with seasoned veterans, experience finding properties and raising capital for yourself, and receive the support, accountability, and mentorship you need to join the GP side of deals.

Call it a “club” for people with a true investor’s mindset ~ immune to hype and get-rich-easy pitches. Committed to slow and methodical building of sustainable wealth. The kind that doesn’t vanish overnight when the market changes.

About 100 people like you are already members of this Apartment Investors Club. Soon, you’ll have a chance to join them.

To prepare you for the coming investment opportunity, I’m overhauling my Apartment Investing Accelerator program. You can get access for a special price before Thanksgiving.

The Accelerator gives you the skills you need to build sustainable multifamily wealth. But skills alone aren’t enough. You also need support, accountability, mentors, partners and peers to help you take action.

So the Accelerator comes with 12 months of complimentary access to the Club and the entire community of investors inside.

The waiting list for the Accelerator is here.

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